Sunday, March 18, 2012

Never Explicitly Call DateTime.Now

In order to evoke certain scenarios from your application testing, it is often necessary to make your system think the current time is some point in the past or future.  Traditionally, this is done by modifying the Windows system date/time.  But a change like this affects ALL applications, not just your own -- with potentially nasty results.

At the heart of this issue is the fact that accessing the property DateTime.Now is typically scattered everywhere across an application's code base.  Fetching the value in this manner - explicitly - tightly couples your code to the system clock.

A better way would be to treat the system clock as a separate concern.  Instead of accessing DateTime.Now directly, create an interface, called IClock for example, that indirectly retrieves the current time.  By using IClock, objects would be loosely coupled to the system clock.  In fact, a sophisticated implementation if IClock would allow for the current time to be offset by a certain amount, allowing an application to be tested "in the past" or "in the future", all without having to adjust the actual system time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Avoid Custom .NET Exception Boilerplate Code

In order to guarantee a custom .NET exception will work in all scenarios, Microsoft recommends the exception class observe certain conventions.  Specifically, the class should implement certain constructors and serialization methods.  This means each of an application's custom exceptions will likely end up with the same boilerplate code.  If an application has dozens of unique exceptions this can add up to a lot of code duplication, with each exception having to implement the same constructors and serialization code.

This code duplication can be avoided by using a single, generic exception used application-wide.  This solution involves the creation of a single DomainException<T> class with one or more serialization exception details classes:

public class DomainException<T> : Exception
    public DomainException(T exceptionDetails) : base(default(String))
        Details = exceptionDetails;

    public T Details
        private set;

    public DomainException()
        // no argument constructor required for serialization

    public DomainException(T exceptionDetails, Exception innerexception) : base(default(String), innerexception)
        Details = exceptionDetails;

    protected DomainException(SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext sc) : base(si, sc)
        if (si == null)
            throw new NullReferenceException("si");

        Details = (T)si.GetValue("exceptionDetails", typeof(T));
This exception class acts as a container for another simple property-only class that includes the exception details:
public class MyExceptionDetails
    public MyExceptionDetails(int failureCode)
        FailureCode = failureCode;

    public int FailureCode
        private set;
A specific error details class like this one would be created where, in the past, an entire exception would have been created. Only the [Serialization] attribute is required to make it serialize-able/compatible with DomainException<T>.  Throwing this exception would look like:
throw new DomainException<MyExceptionDetails>(new MyExceptionDetails(1001));
And because the exception is a concrete type it can be explicitly caught:
    // some code here
catch(DomainException<MyExceptionDetails> ex)
    // examine ex.Details

Friday, March 9, 2012

Alternative to Visual Studio Solution Folders

Visual Studio provides solution folders as a means to organize items in a hierarchical fashion, especially items that are not part of any one project. This works when existing items are added to solution folders, but not new items. This is because solution folders are virtual - the hierarchy of folders as they appear within the solution is not mirrored on disk. In fact, no folders are created on the physical disk and an item that is added to a solution folder is simply placed in the root solution directory.

To work around the solution folder deficiency I simply created a new project to hold ancillary items. Specifically: 
  • Create a new C# class library project called "Accessories".  
  • Remove all classes from the new project.
  • From the solution configuration manager, un-check the project's build flag for all configurations.
  • Add folders and items to the project, setting each item's build action property to "None".
Viola, now the hierarchy of the folders and items within the project will be mirrored on disk.